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Cardio-Pulmonary Rehab

Improve Your Heart and Lung Health with Cardio-Pulmonary Rehab

Have You Heard of Cardio-Pulmonary Rehab?

Cardiac rehab and pulmonary rehab are both very important ways to help a patient remain healthy. Cardiac rehab refers to treatments that are used to improve heart health, while pulmonary rehab refers to treatments that are used to improve lung health.

With cardio-pulmonary rehab, you get the best of both worlds! Do you have a condition that may put both your heart and lungs at risk? Are you looking for a way to get moving that will support both heart and lung health? Are you simply looking for a great way to get healthier and decrease your risk of developing a condition to the heart and/or lungs?

If so, cardio-pulmonary rehab is for you! Contact Agile Physical Therapy today to learn more.

What is cardiac rehab?

Cardiac rehabilitation is a form of physical therapy that is focused around the improvement of heart health and general wellness. According to the American Heart Association, “Cardiac rehab is a medically supervised program designed to improve your cardiovascular health if you have experienced heart attack, heart failure, angioplasty, or heart surgery.” 

This rehabilitation program focuses on exercises that get the patient’s heart pumping, engaging the entire cardiovascular system. Physical therapists will train patients on the best ways they can move their bodies in order to promote heart health.

In addition to physical exercises, patients will be provided with education on heart-healthy living, as well as stress counseling if needed. Physical therapists will discuss risk factors with their patients, such as smoking, drinking, obesity, or poor nutrition choices. Once their risk factors are determined, they will come up with a plan to reduce or eliminate risks. 

Stress counseling can also be an invaluable resource if a patient is facing significant amounts of stress, as that can be a contributing factor to their heart condition. Stress takes a toll on the heart, and an important part of cardiac rehab is learning how to deal with daily stresses in a healthy manner.

What is pulmonary rehab?

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a form of physical therapy that helps enhance lung health. Through targeted exercises and modalities, patients are able to become better aware of how to take care of their lungs while performing physical activities.

Pulmonary rehabilitation helps improve lung function overall, and is especially beneficial for patients who suffer from pulmonary diseases, such as COPD. 

Much like cardiac rehabilitation, with pulmonary rehabilitation you have a strong team of medical professionals on your side to make sure you are receiving the best treatments for your needs. 

In fact, according to Covalent Careers, a pulmonary rehab treatment plan may include any of the following:

  • Nutritional counseling
  • Patient education about the disease
  • Breathing strategies
  • Energy-conservation techniques
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Group support
  • Psychological counseling
  • Exercise training

Ready to get started on a cardio-pulmonary treatment plan?

Do cardiac rehab and pulmonary rehab both seem like treatment options you’d benefit from? Discover the benefits of both with cardio-pulmonary rehab! 

At Agile Physical Therapy, all of our patients who participate in a cardio-pulmonary rehab plan report improvement and relief to some degree. In fact, many of our patients report less shortness of breath and more energy throughout the day!

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and get started on the first steps.