Post Chemo & Radiation Therapy Rehab Oviedo & Orlando, FL

Post Chemo & Radiation Therapy Rehab

Finding Relief After Chemo and Radiation

If You Are Battling Cancer, our Oncology Rehab Services Can Help

If you are currently fighting cancer, we understand that it can be a daily struggle to manage pain and live life with as much comfort as possible. At Agile Physical Therapy , we want to help make your daily life a little easier, so you can continue your battle toward remission without as much pain and discomfort.

Our physical therapists are compassionate and professional, having helped many other patients find relief while also undergoing oncology treatments. In fact, many of our physical therapists have specialized in oncology rehabilitation by completing extensive training courses, in order to help patients just like you.

Whether you are currently living with cancer or you’ve recently completed the last rounds of your treatment, physical therapy can help you manage your pain, regain some strength, and return some normalcy to your life. Contact Agile Physical Therapy to learn more.

What is oncology rehab?

There is no singular streamlined treatment plan when it comes to oncology rehabilitation. In fact, our oncology physical therapists create an individualized treatment plan for each and every patient, focusing solely on that patient’s goals.

Treatment plans for oncology rehab can help with a wide range of issues, including, but not limited to:

  • Reducing fatigue
  • Improving physical function
  • Decreasing pain
  • Increasing overall well-being

Your personalized treatment plan for oncology rehabilitation will address the phase of your cancer treatment and what your body is in need of at that time. Treatment plans will be modified as you progress through your treatment and may begin needing different forms of treatment or areas of focus.

At Agile Physical Therapy , our oncology physical therapists are here to help you every step of the way. We will work hard to restore the normal functions of your body and enhance the healing process, so you can get back to your normal life as quickly as possible.

Evidence supporting oncology rehab

Oncology rehab can be incredibly helpful for any patient dealing with any type of cancer, at any stage of treatment.

In fact, in a study published by the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, researchers examined the effects of physical therapy treatments onwomen scheduled for Madden’s modified radical mastectomy or segmental mastectomy with axillary dissection. These women were divided into two groups, with one group receiving post-mastectomy physical therapy, and a control group that did not.

Women who received the PT oncology rehabilitation treatments began their sessions two days after undergoing surgery. Sessions lasted 40 minutes, 5 days a week, during the duration of the drainage. After the drainage was removed, sessions increased to an hour, and the women completed 20 additional sessions.

Improvement in flexion was reported as early as 5 days after surgery in the treatment group, and progress gradually increased as these women continued their sessions. 

Results of this study concluded that the treatment group experienced improved joint mobility, reduced pain, and a widely improved quality of life. However, the control group, comprised of women who did not undergo oncology rehab following mastectomy, did not yield any of the same positive outcomes as the treatment group. 

Find relief with oncology rehab today

As you may have now discovered, there are many benefits to participating in an oncology rehabilitation plan. No matter what type of cancer you are battling, or where you are in the process, Agile Physical Therapy can help.

Our oncology physical therapists are Agile Physical Therapy , you don’t only receive treatment – you receive a team of supporters to help you out and let you know you’re not alone in your journey. When you arrive for your initial appointment, our physical therapist will conduct a comprehensive exam to determine the best course of treatment for your needs.

From there, an individualized treatment plan will be designed especially for you, including targeted stretches, exercises, and any additional modalities our physical therapist may deem fit.

It is likely that your physical therapist will also prescribe gentle stretches for you to do at home, in order to maintain progress and help your recovery period move along quicker. Your physical therapist may also advise slight lifestyle changes during your recovery time, in order to make sure you are allowing your body to heal as quickly as possible.

At the end of the day, our goal at Agile Physical Therapy is to help you with whatever you need throughout your journey so you can get back to living your normal life. Contact us today to learn more.